Home The News Winter 2013/12/17: Urbania FC 2 - Babylon 4
Winter 2013/12/17: Urbania FC 2 - Babylon 4 PDF Print E-mail

Finally, Babylon succeeded to secure a much needed win in this game.  Babylon kept pushing the adversary and managed to end first half winning 2-1.

The second half was a continuation of their control.

Team roster: Sebastien Suarez, Issa Al-Anzi, Omar Masop, Beshr Al-Alawi, Jaafar Al-Alawi, Ibrahim Huseen, Walid Arsalan, Ali Al-Kassab and Salam El-Mousawi. 

Goal scorers: Issa Al-Anzi (2), and Ali Al-Kassab (2).

Cards:  None

Referee:  N/A

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